Community journalism in action

Community journalism in action

I recently had my first interview with reporter Maison Tran from Nguoi Viet News about my children’s book, “My Ông Ngoại’s Garden Cal's Guide to Vietnamese Fruits and Culture.” We discussed the inspiration behind the book, gardening, and my dad’s influence on me. So stay tuned for the story in July!

I’m incredibly grateful for this opportunity to share my story, especially with a newspaper that was a staple in my parents’ household growing up. My dad always made sure to pick up a copy whenever we visited Little Saigon.

Also, a huge thanks to all the hardworking journalists out there who keep our vibrant communities informed about local and international affairs. We need more diverse voices in journalism to amplify our stories! 🙌

storytimewithcal ChildrensBook NguoiVietDailyNews DiverseVoices JournalismMatters CommunityStories Inspiration Thankful InterviewHighlight

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